halo people!
i lost my new phone yesterday..
i think i left it in the cab..
tired to call my own number..
no one pick up!
once the phone did get through
but there is no sound...
so now..
it send me straight away to voice mail
wah la~
it's gone 83
i did cired a lil...
(i'm a cry baby 8D)
i cried not because of the phone..
its because i feel the world is soo hopeless...
and corrupted .. haha
btw it's my 2nd time losing a phone (edit and it's less than 1 month 8D) i like (and its both flip phone!! and both had been pick up by bad people..)
sorry for emo post! but i had fun in Singapore..! thanks emily!!
p.s: could your msn me your number..? X3 thankies!